Assessments are proven and valid tools in recruitment and in potential analysis. As a development tool, they help evaluate strengths and weaknesses and compare self-perception with how others perceive you. They also provide a good basis for professional and personal development. An individual assessment is not concerned with testing specialist knowledge, but by observing and appraising cross-functional skills.
Mäder & Partner carry out assessments at all levels of seniority. Candidates are appraised by two qualified assessors (dual control principle). Their behavior is observed in several situations involving realistic exercises. We conduct our assessments in line with the documented standards, which are available at
We provide vital tips on effectiveness in current and future roles. The process involves various psychological tests, stress interviews, comprehensive skills-based interviews, and the creation of a personality profile. It concludes with a clear assessment of a candidate’s suitability for the specific position.
Following the individual assessment, the observers write a report for the client. Participants receive the same report during the face-to-face feedback meeting where, in addition to feedback, the development priorities are discussed. No special preparation is necessary for the assessment.